Estonia as a Nordic country in international media

  • Swedish ambassador to Estonia, Mr. Dag Hartelius held a speech on the Estonian Independence day, in February 24, 2009, where he considered Estonia “A Nordic Country“. It gathered a lot of attention in the country and was widely considered as a great compliment.
  • Sir Malcolm Bruce: Estonia is clearly a Nordic country:
    “I enjoy going to just Estonia – Estonia on its own, not as the last leg of a Baltic states tour,” Sir Malcolm tells me. This leads me nicely into a question about the term “Eastern Europe” – dead or not? His response is unequivocal: “It is absolutely dead. The concept of Eastern Europe is politically dead and almost culturally dead. It conjures up images of Soviet oppression and misery and ignores a real pre-Soviet democratic tradition that existed in Estonia and elsewhere.”
    Wanting to take it one step further, I ask him where he would classify Estonia if he were in charge of naming European regions. “It is clearly Nordic – it has a shared history with Finland, Sweden and Denmark and it is good that the European and international media are finally beginning to realise this.”
  • In 2003, the Estonian foreign ministry hosted an exhibit called “Estonia: Nordic with a Twist.”
  • Prime Minister of Estonia in January 2015:
    Estonia must become a New Nordic Country, ie a world leader in terms of personal and economic freedoms, a country with a Nordic standard of living and level of safety, while being socially and technologically more dynamic and flexible than the “old” Nordic countries.”

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